Simply Some Photos: NASA Edition

A group of astronauts and their cosmonaut hosts are photographed sightseeing on Red Square in the heart of Moscow during a tour of the Soviet capital, on November 1973. The Americans were in the USSR to participate in Apollo-Soyuz Test Project familiarization training on the Soyuz systems at the Cosmonaut Training Center (Star City) near Moscow. Astronaut Thomas P. Stafford (light coat, black cap), commander of the American ASTP crew, was head of the U.S. delegation to Star City. Astronaut Eugene A. Cernan (on Stafford's left, light coat) is the Special Assistant to the American Technical Director of ASTP. The sightseeing group is walking in the direction of Lenin's Mausoleum. The structure in the background is the Cathedral of the Intercession (St. Basil's) Museum. The historic Kremlin complex is to the right. (Photo by NASA/USSR Academy of Sciences)
Simply Some Photos: NASA Edition
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