2014 National Geographic Photo Contest, Week 8

“The world's largest highly acidic lake”. On the west of Mount Merapi, is the 1km wide turquoise colored acid crater lake called Kawah Ijen. It is the world's largest highly acidic lake (pH<0.5) and it lies inside a larger caldera of the Ijen Volcanoes. To capture this photo, I had to start climbing a steep 3km track before sunrise. Upon arrival, I waited until the sun was just behind Mount Merapi, allowing me to expose the lake's turquoise color in shadow while the rest of the environment was well lit. Luckily, the wind had also swept across just in time, clearing to rising smoke to expose the wondrous landscape in-front of me. Photo location: Kawah Ijen, Mount Merapi, East Java, Indonesia. (Photo and caption by Khandakar Usayed/National Geographic Photo Contest)
2014 National Geographic Photo Contest, Week 8
  Military Woman Gallery

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